RAM buying tips.

As always PC’s are getting Bigger, Faster, Smaller, and Better! With new technologies and techniques popping up everyday how could any one keep up with everything? This article is meant to help you make an informed decision on upgrading your ram.

With bigger and better applications, faster more intense games, and a feature rich web we all want two important things 1. More 2. Faster. Obviously it’s time to upgrade your computer’s memory the question is which one do you choose?

Defining the “Best” Ram Memory upgrades can be a daunting task. First you will have to decide what type of ram that you have. SDRAM,DDR2 Ram, or DDR3 Ram. And then how much bandwidth your PC’s Mother Board can handle. ie: 800 mhz

First decide which type of ram you have, the different types of Ram are:

SDRAM ~ Although not common these bits of ram are the oldest and pretty much obsolete seeing as we know have faster and more efficient ways of storing memory.

DDR2 RAM (Double Data Rate 2) ~ is quite fast and more common in PC’s over the last few years.

DDR3 RAM ~ The latest and greatest technology available for super fast processing.

In most cases a DDR3 will replace a DDR2 unit and of course you want the most for your money in terms of size. Keep an eye on the mhz, your mother board can only process so much at a time regardless of the ram size. To much Ram bandwidth could easily result in a waste of money.

Especially in today’s economy it is hard to stay away from great deals and cheap imitations. Be careful though you get what you pay for. Cheap imitation memory tend to contain defective pieces the bigger companies turned down for one reason or another. These defective parts will randomly lose memory or completely fail altogether which in the end leaves you buying the better piece of equipment in the end so how much money do you really save? Stick to Name Brands and Stores that offer warranties or refunds with a solid history, not some cheap never heard of company or store.

Tablet PCs are taking over

The launch of the iPad around a year ago made a huge splash in the world of online connectivity and portable computing. Since then, close to 20 million people have bought an iPad or one of its many rivals, and sales of tablet PCs from a wide range of manufacturers continue to increase as new and improved models become available. It’s not surprising tablets are popular: they’re light, convenient to carry around, easy to use, and – quite importantly – cool.

But it’s not just individual consumers who are realizing the benefits of using tablet PCs. Companies are now also beginning to buy them for their employees to use on the job, and many busy professionals and executives report that they’re proving to be invaluable business tools. Some corporations are replacing their workers’ laptops with tablets, while others are introducing the new portable devices for use in tandem with existing desktop PCs and laptops.

With a growing number of apps and programs under development, the range of work-related uses for tablets – and the range of job functions in which they can be utilized – is expanding all the time. With tablets in hand, users in all kinds of industries can save their companies time and money thanks to their increased access to real-time information that allows them to make decisions faster and more accurately. The portability and ruggedness of a tablet PC, and the relative ease of tapping commands into a flat screen rather than having to fumble with a hinged laptop and keyboard, also open up a whole host of new applications for users on the go.

For example, engineers and surveyors can take a tablet out on site without worrying that it might be harmed by a little bit of dirt, and use it to record, transmit and receive data, calculations and photographs. A tablet is small enough to fit into a pocket and be held in one hand, but also large enough to use comfortably. A physician can carry a tablet computer on her rounds and use it to obtain instant information on drug interactions and diagnostic differentials, and also view images from MRIs and CT scans and use them to make quick decisions about further treatment. Supply chain managers are also increasingly using tablet PCs to access real-time inventory and order data, enabling them to see exactly what needs to be moved where, without having to run back to a terminal.

While the iPad was the first tablet to make a real impact on the market, and still leads the pack in terms of market share, there are now many competing models to choose from. Other manufacturers run their tablets on the Android or Windows 7 operating systems, with more platforms under development. This is helping to attract buyers from corporations that have been reluctant to add Apple equipment to their IT lineups because their existing systems are Windows- or Linux-based.

It’s also good news for smaller companies that want to watch their budgets, given that some – but not all – of the new crop of tablets coming out now are very affordable. That is especially true of the increasingly sophisticated tablet PCs imported directly from China and sold online at wholesale prices. With so many different models available and more and more specialist software being developed, many businesses will make the switch to mobile computing in 2011, with around a quarter of the projected 56 million tablets to be sold this year expected to be purchased by corporate buyers.

How to choose wireless routers.

When shopping for wireless routers, it is easy for one to get confused given that most wireless routers appear similar upon first glance. In actual sense all the wireless routers that are in the market differs from the other in terms of features. However, most buyers often find it challenging to make the right decision in respect to selecting the most appropriate router. It is for this reason that the article seeks to offer pointers on how to go about choosing the right wireless router and free gadgets.

Tips and guidelines

The following are features that you need to look out for when in the market for wireless routers;

Speed: The speed of your router will determine how fast you can upload and download information and share the same on your local area network. A majority of wireless router manufacturers advertise the speeds of their brands in megabits per second, i.e. Mbps. Modern routers have speeds that can reach 300 Mbps while old routers have speeds that range from 11 Mbps to 54 Mbps. However, whereas most consumers will tend to hinge towards wireless routers that have optimum speeds, it is important to realize that the actual speeds that you will receive could be slightly lower than what is on the box label. In addition, you may have a fast router but lower internet bandwidth. As such, when choosing a wireless router make certain that you have the assistance of a professional who will help you in saving when making your purchase.

Model: There is the tendency to lean to market leading brands given that most people are inclined to them. This could be because of the use of modern technology in the router which ensures fast uploads and downloads speeds. Nonetheless, it should also be noted that popularity of a brand does not translate to better performances. The internet can assist you in knowing which the best market brands are.

Warranty: Check that the model and brand that you are purchasing offers warranty. This tends to be the trend with most manufacturers. Nevertheless, each manufacturer has different terms and conditions that relates to the warranty. When the warranty period is longer it goes on to show that the product you are using is of quality. Warranties that tend to disadvantage the customer only show that what you are about to purchase is questionable.

Last but not least, what you will purchase will hinge on how much you are willing to spend.

Choosing the right Panasonic Blu Ray player.

Today we are looking into 2 different Panasonic Blu ray Players that I believe are of good quality but are good for different people for different reasons. The DMP-BD70VK and DMP-BD65K are newer models released by Panasonic fairly recently. Again, I like them both but I want to help you in making your selection.

First we’ll talk about the DMP-BD70VK. It doesn’t have CD-Rom capabilities like the many of the other models. All models play DVD videos but DVD RAM is left out of this particular model. That’s not to say it isn’t a beast in its own right. It will play your MPEGs, CDs, and CD-R/Ws which is a big plus. It also has a USB port which is JPEG and MP3 compatible in true HD. This is a big leap from previous year models that had the USB but you couldn’t watch in HD. Another note is that it does not have the picture adjustment feature like the others do. I think this is a great product and in the $400 price range you can’t really go wrong. The DMP-BD65K is the predecessor of the BD70VK but offers a lot of bang for your buck in the $100 price range. You won’t get all of the fancy features of the 70VK version, but you will get everything you could ever need and more as a regular Blu ray user. It has all the basics plus a USB for MP3 and JPEG. Also, you’ll find that it has DVD RAM playback which is big if you’re looking for a robust machine. This is the product for you if you are looking to get a lot without paying a lot.

You can’t go wrong with either selection since it all depends on what your pocketbook can handle.

However, Panasonic Blu ray Players are now adding Vudu’s to its growing list of hardware partners. As if that’s not enough, Skype Video calls is on it’s way. Yes, Panasonic and Skype have become partners and plan to release the new Panasonic Blu Players in 2011. The voice and video calls will be completely free however, standard rates will apply for landline and mobile calls. No computer is required but, an HDTV and Web cam is a must. These features are possible through Viera Cast and will include Netflix, Amazon, YouTube, Pandora, and of course 3D output.

Viera Cast is a smart TV platform by Panasonic, which enables multimedia to stream from the internet right to a Viera Cast HDTV. Blu-ray players and HDTV’s with Viera Cast have an eithernet interface and wifi.

Vudu is also offered on Samsung, vizio, Sanyo, Sharp, Toshiba on HDTV’s and Blu-ray players as well. Vudu offers 1080P HD video an audio quality with over 4,000 movie titles. They also offer new releases the same day they are released on DVD and are updated weekly. Vudu also has hundereds of applications to access free videos from popular sites like Facebook, Twitter and Flickar. There is no monthly subscription or contract. You only pay for what you watch. To take advantage of Vudu you’ll need at least a 1mbps broadband internet connection and a Vudu enabled device. Panasonic is giving a 5.99 credit towards Vudu.

The following Panasonic Blu ray Players have Viera Cast and Vudu upgrade: DMP-BDT350, DMP-BDT300, DMP-BDT100, DMP-BD85, DMP-BD65, DMP-B500.