RAM buying tips.

As always PC’s are getting Bigger, Faster, Smaller, and Better! With new technologies and techniques popping up everyday how could any one keep up with everything? This article is meant to help you make an informed decision on upgrading your ram.

With bigger and better applications, faster more intense games, and a feature rich web we all want two important things 1. More 2. Faster. Obviously it’s time to upgrade your computer’s memory the question is which one do you choose?

Defining the “Best” Ram Memory upgrades can be a daunting task. First you will have to decide what type of ram that you have. SDRAM,DDR2 Ram, or DDR3 Ram. And then how much bandwidth your PC’s Mother Board can handle. ie: 800 mhz

First decide which type of ram you have, the different types of Ram are:

SDRAM ~ Although not common these bits of ram are the oldest and pretty much obsolete seeing as we know have faster and more efficient ways of storing memory.

DDR2 RAM (Double Data Rate 2) ~ is quite fast and more common in PC’s over the last few years.

DDR3 RAM ~ The latest and greatest technology available for super fast processing.

In most cases a DDR3 will replace a DDR2 unit and of course you want the most for your money in terms of size. Keep an eye on the mhz, your mother board can only process so much at a time regardless of the ram size. To much Ram bandwidth could easily result in a waste of money.

Especially in today’s economy it is hard to stay away from great deals and cheap imitations. Be careful though you get what you pay for. Cheap imitation memory tend to contain defective pieces the bigger companies turned down for one reason or another. These defective parts will randomly lose memory or completely fail altogether which in the end leaves you buying the better piece of equipment in the end so how much money do you really save? Stick to Name Brands and Stores that offer warranties or refunds with a solid history, not some cheap never heard of company or store.

Posted on July 19, 2011, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. Leave a comment.

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